Unity Sentis is now in open beta.

No sign-up required: https://discussions.unity.com/t/about-sentis-beta/260899

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The function "SentenceSimilarityUtils_" doesn't seem to exist anywhere.

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It seems that there was an update in method parameter of MatMul2D since Sentis 1.2. so you need to manually exchange the order of "ComparisonSequences" and "false". then it works well.

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Thanks Sentis updated that's why we mention 1.1 but we will update the demo and tutorial this week to be compatible with sentis 1.2 🤗

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Thank you for sharing this tutorial! Do you have any ideas how to create more action to bot like jump, run, etc,..? It would be great if you can give me some material how to create them. Thank you so much

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Thanks for the tutorial! Really appreciate the effort. It would be great to be able to follow along from scratch and not need the project files to get something up and running. e.g. how to get a model from hugging face and get the required ONYX file etc. That might make the tutorial twice as long though. Do you have any advice for these missing steps?

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Hey there, thanks for your feedback.

I understand what you mean. The goal of this first tutorial was more for people to try to modify the game and play with it.

For now only Bert models works with our Sharp Tokenizer library. That's why I didn't got into the details to generate your own ONNX model from a HF model.

I'm going to write a full tutorial on how to go from scratch to a game.

For now the only step missing is:

1. How to convert a model to ONNX: https://huggingface.co/blog/convert-transformers-to-onnx

2. How to use sentis, we link to the sentis documentation: https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.sentis@1.1/manual/understand-sentis-workflow.html

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